Physiotherapy Clinic

Physiotherapy Clinic is a company established in 2011, whose specialists are recognised sports physiotherapists in Estonia.

Physiotherapy Clinic is a company established in 2011, whose specialists are recognised sports physiotherapists in Estonia. The physiotherapists practising in the clinic assist patients in finding solutions for their various problems of the musculoskeletal system, whether it is pain that limits the individual’s daily activities or prevents from playing sports, a drop in muscular strength, limited joint mobility or another problem. We provide comprehensive physiotherapeutic assessment, therapeutic training plans, manual procedures for prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal problems, deliver lectures in ergonomics and other health related topics, etc.


The wider objective of the Physiotherapy Clinic is to provide the partners in the cluster, as well as the general public information about the multi-faceted field of physiotherapy, which is closely related to healthy and active life. In cooperation with the partners we wish to offer different options for prevention and aftercare of injuries to patients from Estonia as well as neighbouring countries.

OÜ Füsioteraapia Kliinik/ Physiotherapy Clinic
Tondi 84, 11316 Tallinn (3rd floor of the Audentes Private School)
Tel: (372) 699 6515, 523 3022